We have all heard about design thinking, but what it is and how do you improve your work through it? Well, here is an overview of design thinking process. Design thinking is a process in which designers ideate and develop their design. It is a human-centric method based on 5 stages such as:
- Empathize
- Define
- Ideate
- Prototype
- Test
Design Thinking is usually done at the start of every project to tackle it, however, it does not mean that you can not go through the process if you are in the middle of your project.
5 Stages of Design Thinking
1. Empathize
Empathizing is the first step of design thinking. It is about understanding a problem mostly through user research. Empathizing is all about understanding the layout from user perspective.
2. Define
Define stage is about putting together the research done during Empathizing stage. It is about analyzing different observations and working on them for defining the issues highlighted by you and your team.
3. Ideate
Ideate is the third stage. It is about generating ideas from the knowledge gathered and researched during the first two stages. Here you look for out of the box and alternative ways for viewing a problem.
4. Prototype
Prototype is the fourth phase of design thinking. It is about producing various inexpensive product versions according to the specific product features. Prototyping is about investigating the problems gathered in the previous stage.
5. Test
Test phase is about rigorously testing the completed product using different solutions. This is the final stage but is on going. The outcome through test stage is used got redefining one or more problems.
Improving Design Thinking Process
An improved design thinking process helps to refine ideas and results. Here is how you can improve design thinking process for enhancing your productivity and overall design work
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